

The European defence industry must reinvent itself to address numerous challenges: emerging and anticipated threats, global competition, increased production rates, pressure on schedules and institutional budgets.



Accelerate and Adapt in an Unstable Environment

The challenges faced by the defence sector in Europe are numerous, simultaneous, complex, and must be addressed within an unprecedented timeframe for the industry.


Collaborative Combat and Autonomous Systems: Development of systems of systems, modular and agile development, drones and swarms.

Integration of new software and cybersecurity skills.

Navigating an Intensified Competitive Environment: Sometimes competitors in export markets, sometimes partners in European or French programs, the pursuit of innovation, distinctive expertise, timelines, and costs is constant.

Realizing the Potential of Digital: Digitalization, data, and artificial intelligence are being harnessed in the defence sector, highlighting new ways of working and the importance of resilience in the face of cyber risk.

Managing Complexity and Reducing Development Cycles: Emerging threats and competition compel stakeholders to develop innovative, competitive (time to market, cost of ownership, security), and agile solutions.

Pursuit of Volume and Sovereignty: The conflict in Ukraine has renewed the need for volume, requiring adaptations across the entire supply chain (relocation, resilience, production pace…).

Innovate, Design Differently, Boost Operations

For over 25 years, Mews Partners has supported the transformation of the sector, partnering with major systems integrators, suppliers, and collaborators. Our value proposition revolves around three major axes:

  • Designing the right product for the customer (“design to value & cost”), through innovation, exploration of new business models, facilitating collaboration within groups of industrialists and European consortia.
  • Designing the product right the first time (operational excellence), making design processes more agile, digital, and lean, while ensuring robust system engineering and configuration management.
  • Boosting operations (Industry 4.0) and the supply chain, by concurrently organizing co-engineering of the product and manufacturing and assembly processes within the extended enterprise.

R&D Performance

Systems engineering, agile development, design-to-value-and-cost, modularity and reuse, lean engineering

Agile Transformation

Data and Digital Transformation

From engineering to factories and customers


Technical data management across the entire product/program lifecycle

Procurement and Supply Chain Performance

People Booster

Talent retention, attractiveness, knowledge capitalization, and management

Case studies

A team of experts

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