Accompagnement au déploiement de l’IS pour un acteur du naval

Support in the deployment of system engineering for a naval actor

Large naval projects are characteristic of industrial complexity: multidisciplinary, involving a multitude of stakeholders and constraints, with long development time cycles that are sometimes out of phase with those of technologies. System engineering appears to be an essential tool to master this complexity.

Coaching has proven to be essential in building our engineering plan, allowing us to take the necessary perspective on our risks and focus on our main system engineering issues.”


System engineering is the collective art of breaking down a problem and recomposing its solution.

Today, based on standards and supported by methods, the system engineering takes into account multiple technical or organizational constraints in order to achieve an overall optimum.  But it can only really bear fruit if the human dimension and collaboration are properly understood. Individual technical skills are not sufficient to make the design system effective. How to deploy the system engineering, monitor progress, and measure its impact?


A global approach was adopted, with the rewriting of the company’s design processes (integration of REX programs, productivity improvements and compliance with the system engineering, ISO 15288 standard) and the contribution to specialized system engineering guides.

The creation and implementation of training courses on the new processes, in parallel with coaching in the programs, allowed the application of the new system engineering practices and the drafting of the various engineering plans. The maturity of the system engineering teams was assessed, through the technical batches of ISO 15288 but also on the nature of collaboration and the use of tools.

A roadmap has been developed to define the deadlines for system engineering improvement and to ensure that the approach is sustainable.


The approach was used to identify internal obstacles to the SI, particularly in the organization or in the maturity gap between entities, and to better address these difficulties.

The teams we have supported have made a lasting and collective commitment to the best practices and methods that determine the success of the project and system engineering.

More than 90% of customers were satisfied with the training provided.