Continuité digitale pour un leader de vins et spiritueux

Digital product continuity in the wines & spirits industry

The need to structure product data management processes has become an objective shared by all the entities of this leader in wines and spirits.

The implementation of the project was validated by the steering committee because it was a prerequisite for the deployment of their digital strategy.”


In a context of decentralized organization and highly focused on marketing functions, the need to structure product data management processes has become an objective shared by all Group entities:

  • brand companies: better control of information distributed to market companies; less time spent responding to requests
  • market companies: reducing the time to market and making the information transmitted to retailers more reliable
  • digital and e-commerce: ability to quickly spread reliable information in multiple sales channels.


Initially, we carried out a phase of issues scoping and assessment of the needs of the various entities. To this end, we conducted interviews, a questionnaire and workshops with the main actors involved.

We then studied different scenarios, according to several axes of analysis: coverage of functional needs, response to business challenges, cost, implementation effort. Our approach was very collaborative, based on workshops with operational teams.

A decision file was prepared and presented to the Comex, which approved the implementation of the project in all the group’s subsidiaries throughout the world. We also supported the client in the preparation of the deployment.


The project was successfully deployed in all the group’s subsidiaries.

Digital management considered that the implementation of this project was a prerequisite for the deployment of its strategy.

The deployment of a common tool has of course enabled the various users (Supply Chain, ADV, Marketing, Digital, Quality) to gain in efficiency and productivity. But in parallel with the tool, the entire organization and work processes have been reviewed and optimized. This enabled to secure the reliability of information exchanged internally and with customers on a permanent basis.

Our collaborative approach allowed the project team to take ownership of the recommendation, this facilitated the work of change management during the deployment phase.