Accompagnement du développement d’un e-commerçant

Support of the development of an e‑retailer

Build a three-year Supply Chain roadmap in a context of very strong volume growth.

The organization has made it possible to secure the very strong growth in volumes and the need for flexibility.”


In a context of strong growth, it is necessary to resize and structure its Supply Chain. On the one hand, the warehouses are coming to saturation, on the other hand the lack of activity planning puts at risk the management of the operations. It is necessary to:

  • Conduct a logistical blueprint study to project the need for capacity and define the optimal logistical configuration
  • Set up a planning process, close to an S&OP process, to plan and anticipate the need for capacity and resource.


A collaborative work with the different departments was necessary to obtain a reliable and shared projection of the activity: what products would be distributed, where they would be sourced, what were the sales potentials, what was the target service offer… This work on the business plan is the entry point of a blueprint.

Together with the logistical team, we transformed the business plan into logistical projection: need of surface, labor force and associated cost depending on the configuration of the network. Different configurations were defined and analyzed with the working group.

A three-year transformation plan was validated by the Management Committee.

To secure transformation, the tools used during the project were industrialized to feed a quarterly S&OP process and manage growth and peak activity.


The project helped to create a strong link between the different departments and, especially, to raise awareness about the impact of their decisions on the logistics network. Collaborative work bore fruit!

Setting up the planning process is a way to keep these exchanges going.

The transformation plan was not only focused on the logistical network but also on the organization and the piloting processes. The organization was adapted to be able to secure the strong growth and the need for permanent evolution…