Schéma directeur Supply Chain omnicanal

Supply Chain omnichannel transformation roadmap

We helped our client to define its Supply Chain master plan and thus to meet a new multi-channel promise.

The development of a new customer promise requires the mobilization of the sales, purchasing, finance, legal, supply chain and IT teams.”


Our client has to face competition from online retailers and the evolution of its customers buying practices. The company called on us to define its Supply Chain scheme and to meet a new customer omnichannel promise.

The issues were about adapting logistics infrastructure, flows management (Xdock, Stock, direct flow) as well as the Supply Chain organizations, (central and in stores) to this new customer promise.


We worked with a multifunctional core team, involving sales, purchasing, web, finance and Supply Chain stakeholders.

We first defined a customer promise, unique and omnichannel, by typology of products. This customer promise was validated by a steerco based on stocks value simulation in all the network. We studied logistics scenarios to be implemented, involving suppliers of some product families, the logistics management teams of the existing warehouses as well as a representative of the logistics of the stores.

On the basis of a “stakes and accessibility” analysis, we validated the blueprint target. A final phase of convergence helped to mobilize the Board around a transformation roadmap to 4-5 years horizon.


The transformation roadmap was validated and deployed successfully throughout the retail company (central and network). IT and organizational investments were implemented. Omnichannel sales grew strongly and in parallel to the implementation of the new customer promise (product availability in stores, delivery leadtime,…). Our collaborative approach enabled the project team to take ownership of the target and facilitate membership of the Executive Committee to the omnichannel transformation roadmap.