Entries by Marine MEZOUL

Mews Partners wins the “Objective Zero Carbon” award at Tisséo Ecomobility Awards

Mews Partners was awarded the “Objective Zero Carbon” prize at the 12th edition of the Trophées Ecomobilité, organized by Tisséo and Tisséo Collectivités, in partnership with the CCI Toulouse Haute-Garonne.

Every year for the past eleven years, Tisséo Collectivités has been rewarding exemplary, innovative and virtuous companies in their sustainable mobility approach. For this new edition, the prize-list of the Ecomobility Awards have been announced on December 14, 2023 in Toulouse, and awarded prizes to three winners for their employer mobility plan initiatives, in 3 categories: a mobility management prize, a zero-carbon objective prize and a helping hand prize. Selection criteria were based on project management and sustainability, action development, communication and evaluation.

In this context, we were honored with the Objective Zero Carbon “active modes” award in recognition of our employer mobility plan and our efforts to encourage modal shift towards soft mobility. We had set up three initiatives:

  • A Sustainable Mobility package at the maximum ceiling authorized by the government, and a very attractive mileage allowance scale
  • Numerous challenges for our employees and a variety of communication initiatives throughout the year
  • The dynamism of the referents, driven by an internal team of employees committed to environmental projects