Entries by Violaine Lemaitre

Quotation and bookings optimization for a freight forwarder

We have developed with the client’s teams a tool to improve operational productivity by using algorithms and optimized user ergonomics.

The provision of information and the improvement of the user experience (UX) have made it possible to quickly deliver value to users.”


With the objective of reducing its production costs, improving its margins, and facilitating the work of operational staff in agencies, this freight forwarder wants to design new maritime and air quotation tools, as well as a decision support tool to optimize bookings based on rates negotiated with shipping lines. The aim is also to deploy a common tool for all the group’s agencies throughout the world.


First, we carried out a work of scoping of the needs during workshops mobilizing business and IT teams. We then defined a project roadmap, which allowed us to specify the planning, the resources to mobilize and the governance.

Finally, we piloted the design of the solution by ensuring coordination between the business teams (in charge of expressing the need), the IT development teams and the technical partner (in charge of UX and algorithms).


The bookings optimization tool has been deployed in all countries and users are very satisfied. The quotation tool is currently being deployed, as user feedback on the pilots has been very positive. The work on the ergonomics of the solution (UX) allowed a good level of appropriation by the end users and made it possible to underline the importance of this subject in the development of solutions based on algorithms.