Transport & Logistique

Transport & Logistics

The emergence of new technologies and the necessary reduction of the environmental footprint in the sector constitute both a risk and a tremendous opportunity for differentiation for logistics and transport providers.

Transport & Logistics

Transport & Logistique

Digitizing and decarbonizing without compromising profitability

Players in the transport and logistics sector face numerous challenges: increasingly sophisticated customers in purchasing services, demanding end-customers in terms of interaction and data provision (e-commerce / last mile), growing automation of logistics operations consuming CAPEX, and consumer expectations, relayed by shippers, to decarbonize transportation without necessarily being willing to bear the additional costs. We assist logistics and transport providers in addressing these challenges by identifying new service opportunities and productivity improvements offered by new technologies, enhancing the efficiency and agility of their organizations/information systems, and identifying operational levers to reconcile decarbonization of operations and cost reduction.

Our value proposition revolves around 4 key offerings

In a constantly evolving world, companies must stay at the forefront of competitiveness. This involves optimizing existing operations, capitalizing on opportunities presented by new technologies, and meeting the increasing expectations of customers. In this regard, it is essential to focus on four key aspects: operational productivity, the development of new services, reducing the environmental footprint, and data governance.


These four aspects are interconnected and enable a company to thrive while meeting customer expectations and contributing to a sustainable future.

Operational Productivity

Examine the levers for improving productivity, both by optimizing existing processes and capitalizing on opportunities presented by new technologies.

Development of New Services

Identify and support the implementation of new offers/new services.

Reducing Environmental Footprint

Develop a decarbonization roadmap.

Data Governance

Establish an organization/information systems framework to ensure the reliability and proper use of data.

Case studies

A team of experts

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